A Climatic Test Chamber or Environmental Chamber

A Climatic Test Chamber or Environmental Chamber
A Climatic Test Chamber or environmental chamber generally refers to an installation for the testing of various biological and industrial items in a controlled temperature, humidity and atmospheric composition environments.

There are different types of chambers all of which are used for various applications, and some of these include:

o Climatic and environmental

o Finger print development chambers

o Automotive

o Sport and exercise science rooms

o Special application

Sports and exercise science rooms are large walk in chambers, and are widely used to monitor athlete performance under a wide range of climatic conditions. Athletes are observed from outside the room through a viewing window, and physiological outputs are carried out to monitor the performance of the athletes in various climatic conditions. Reproducing these conditions allow the athletes to prepare for specific competitive events, it also helps them to identify any changes in training requirements.

Walk in climatic test science and sport rooms can replicate a wide variety of temperatures and humidity ranges. Temperatures can range from -40 degrees C, to + 55 degrees C, and humidity ranges can be controlled from 5% RH to 98% RH across a specific temperature range.

If needed the moisture and carbon dioxide levels may also be controlled and hypoxic testing can be achieved by introducing nitrogen to simulate high altitudes. Fans may be installed to simulate wind conditions.

These types of climatic chambers are built and designed to accurately control and maintain a stable environment, and the conditions inside the chambers are continuously monitored to measure the emitted heat, carbon dioxide and water vapour etc.

Many other types of test chambers are available for various applications and among these can be found:

o Shock

o Dust

o Vacuum

o Solar technology

o Water spray

Test chambers come in many different forms and sizes depending on their application. There are bench top test chambers, floor standing chambers, modular walk in rooms and conditioned air units to name just a few.

If you are in need of this service check out our product pages, they contain many companies that specialise in this. John Cheesman writes about Climatic Test Chamber. Visit the Businessmagnet product page for details and suppliers of Climatic Test Chamber.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Cheesman/342631
