How to Select an Ultra Low Temperature Freezer

Choosing commercial refrigeration and freezers is an important part of making sure you have the right appliances within your café or coffee shop. Within the food service industry the regulations are very strict and as a result business owners need to make sure they are storing their food at the right low temperatures. In order to do this, the best commercial appliances need to be used.

For example, for freezers, an ultra-low freezer will be needed in a commercial kitchen. A domestic freezer does not keep the food at low enough temperatures. This article gives advice on how to choose the right freezer for your needs.

The first step is to find a reputable supplier you can trust. You are looking for a supplier who has a solid reputation for supplying appliances to the food service industry. Look online and do some research, it will not take long to find a company that has a great track record. They will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of commercial appliances and will have a portfolio of clients that proves they understand the needs of the food service industry. The best suppliers also have a large range of appliances that will suit different sizes of business.

Commercial refrigeration is a specialist area. Your supplier must be able to understand and have an in -depth knowledge of the health and safety regulations all food retailers are bound by. They should also have a clear understanding of the needs of a food business and the demands that a commercial kitchen will place upon an appliance. Do not do business with a supplier that merely sells the equipment. You want a reputable company that can talk to you and spend time helping you choose the right appliance that will meet the needs of your business, your staff and your customers.

Once you have a good supplier the next step is to think carefully about what you need. How much food do you need to store in sub-zero temperatures? How easily accessible does the freezer need to be to the people working in your kitchen? How much space do you have? What is your budget? Al these questions need to be answered, and as you answer each of them you will be able to identify the exact model of freezer you need to meet your needs.

Always ask questions, look for customer reviews and get a few quotes so you know you are getting the best value for money. Don't be too tempted to always go for the cheapest option however. You need a good appliance that has been manufactured to the highest standards. It needs to be well made, robust and strong, and it needs to be reliable so that it will run and keep your food frozen 24 hours per day. Commercial refrigeration is an investment in your business and in the quality of the food you produce and sell. If you want a successful kitchen you need to equip it with the best appliances so that you can concentrate on making delicious food that your customers will love.

ECO-Fridge UK Ltd is a Commercial Refrigeration Company specialising in Frost-Tech patisserie and multideck display fridge cabinets. With a reputation as one of the best suppliers, ECO-Fridge has a large portfolio of prestigious clients including Cafe-Nero, Costa Coffee, Coffee1 and Wenzels the Baker. Supplying a comprehensive range of energy efficient and reliable commercial appliances, CO-Fridge can supply you with the perfect equipment for your commercial refrigeration needs. For more information please go to

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